State to take over three estates at Nelliampathy

P. Venugopal

The government is taking over three estates of leased forestland having a total area of 751.75 acres of coffee and cardamom cultivation in Nelliampathy from the companies running them.
A top Forest Department official told The Hindu on Thursday that these estates—Alexandria Group 1 Estate (250 acres), Alexandria Group 2 Estate (251.75 acres) and Brookland Estate (250 acres)—were being resumed by the government for violations of the Kerala Grants and Leases Act and the Forest Conservation Act.
The order on the resumption of the leased estates said the Forest Department would henceforth run these estates and the workers engaged by the company would continue to work there. There are 15 workers in Alexandria Group 1 Estate, 11 workers in Alexandria Group 2 Estate, and 15 workers in Brookland Estate.
The companies/individuals running these estates were served notice earlier charging them with violations of the lease conditions and also the Forest Conservation Act.
State stance
The government’s stand is that leased out government forestland had the status of ‘reserved forest’ and hence attracted the provisions of the Forest Conservation Act of 1980. The original lessees had transferred their ‘limited leasehold rights’ over such land to others (subsequent to 1980). The 1980 Act stipulated the prior permission of the Union government for such transactions. This was not done. The lessees also did not have any right to fragment these properties.
The official said the workers of the estates would receive regular work. The Forest Department was managing the cultivation in a few other estates also in Nelliampathy, which were taken over by the government for similar reasons.


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